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Hamster Sleeping in Feces

21 11:30:20

My Hamster, Phoenix, is the craziest hamster i've ever owned. First of all, it's name was originally Monty but i renamed it Phoenix because it had died and somehow came back to life crazier than ever. (like Phoenix from X-men... it was either that or Lazarus) But i digress

The problem now is he won't use his potty for his business. He instead stores his food in the potty and urinates and defecates in his sleeping loft - which he sleeps in. How do i get him to use each area correctly? I want him to sleep in the bed, go to the bathroom in the potty, and NOT set up bedding in his wheel if i take away the bed. I dont want him sleeping in his own filth cuz im afraid he'll get sick and it makes him stink to high heaven. I thank you for your replay

My last hamster, Jo, who recently died of old age at over 2 years old, did the exact same thing. He was the only hamster of mine to be such a pig. Originally he had a sleeping loft, then I changed it to an igloo and he still managed to use it as a hoard, potty, and bed. Point being, some hamsters are just odd balls like this. Sounds like you have one of those plastic cages with all the compartments, you wouldn't believe how many people say the same things about them. What looks like a good place to sleep to a human isn't as nice as sleeping in the connected wheel to a hamster.

Also, hamster potties work on the idea that the hamster will use one corner of the cage for urine, and that if you place the potty in that corner, the hamster will use it. Feces is another story, most hamsters do not use one corner for that, so a potty is only meant for urine. If your hamster does not use one corner, (I've had some who do and some who don't) then a potty will be useless.

Try an aquarium cage if your really concerned. You can plan the layout yourself, and it avoids the problem of a hamster misusing a compartment.