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Foot Stomping

21 13:28:52

I just adopted my hamster.  He only has one eye and had been kept alone (in a boring cage) so that others wouldn't pick on him.  He now has a great cage with tunnels, a slide, and wheel.  Besides rearranging all his litter, he has just starting stomping his foot really lound and fast.  He does this mostly at night when I am trying to sleep.  What does this mean?  Why is he stomping his foot? Does he need anything or is he just trying to wake me up to play?

Hi Lisa,

He is entertaining himself. Hamsters are nocturnal, which means they are most active during the night. It sounds like he has all he needs in his cage. The noises are something you will have to get used to unless you put his cage somewhere other than your room.

Thank you for your question!