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Balding Hamster

21 12:01:41

Why he may be balding, and what can I do?

Hi Michele!

You didn't say the age of your hamster, but around a year and a half and past (approaching two, which is their typical life-span) it is perfectly normal for a hamster to start losing hair.

Other causes of hair loss in younger hamsters could be an allergy or irritation (usually from pine or cedar bedding), pulling their own hair out (stress or a nutritional deficiency - try switching to pellets instead of a seed mix) in which the hair loss is generally restricted to the bib (right under their chins), the flanks and sides.  Other causes could be bacterial skin infections, fungal skin infections (in which case there would be severe dry flaky skin) or a mite infestation.

Thanks for the question, and feel free to ask me any others you may have!