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Sepertating babies

21 13:27:01

Hello Kelly,

My syrian hamster babies are now 18 days old. I am pretty sure that I have 4 girls and one boy, when it comes time for me to seperate them in a few days, can I leave the girls with the mother for a while and will if be a problem if the male baby is alone since the mother didn't have any others?

Thanks for your time.

Hi Andrea,

First, here's a link to a website which has an illustration so that you can be absolutely positive about the sex of your hamsters:

Second, you don't need to separate the two sexes just yet.  When the babies are 3 weeks old, they should all go to a separate cage.  Then, after another 2-3 weeks old, you should separate each hamster into his/her own cage.  Since they're Syrian hamsters, they won't be able to live together, so you'll need a total of 6 cages (one for the mother, and five for the babies), unless, of course, you're planning to give them away.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
