Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Gerbal problem NEED IMMEDIATE ANSWER!!!!!!

Gerbal problem NEED IMMEDIATE ANSWER!!!!!!

21 11:42:40

I have a nearly 1 year old gerbal named Becka, she is one of three that i have and they are all sisters.  Yesterday I noticed she was acting odd, tired like and weak and somewhat cold.  I though she was dying, but the next morning she seemed the same and then in the afternoon she acted almost normal.  Then again in the evening she started acting the same way, tried, slow like and she keeps rubbing her chin and the underneath of her head all around the cage. She is also itching a spot under her chin. Her fur there is very matted and wet and the skin under looks reddish.  I do not know what to do. Should I take her to the vet?   She is not eating much or drinking, she just seems week and a little off-ish.  I do not want her to be in any pain or something, please help as soon as possible!

Thank you,


Yes get her to the vets, something like this is impossible to diagnose as it would need examining by a professional!! It is vital she drinks so if she is not then try to encourage her to do so, maybe use a dropper to do this. Also in the meantim make sure she is kept warm!!!
