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baby hamster swollen front paw

21 11:36:26

ive just noticed one of the week old babys my hamster had, its front paw is twice the size its swollen and very red. it looks like a peice of cotton bedding has gotten stuck rounfd its paw really tight! im afraid to touch it incase the mother eats it after smelling my scent on it! i have a good pic of its paw wich i can send you! should i leave it in case the paw just falls off or should i seek urgent vetinary assistance! again the babys are only a week old! thank you please help!!!

This is a hard one. Pet stores should really stop selling cotton fluff bedding, this sort of thing ALWAYS happens. If it isn't loss of blood flow, its choking. If your mother ham is very used to you, kept in a quiet place, and on the older side, then it is very safe for you to remove the baby to help it. Once the limb starts to turn purple or black, it may be too late to save, but snip the strand asap, and remove all the other cotton fluff while your at it. It is a risk worth taking.