Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is my hamster sick , if so what can i do?

is my hamster sick , if so what can i do?

21 12:01:49

my hamster i think is sick its not very active and its not eating or drinking alot, it mostly sleeps and usually it gets up at night nd goes through his tubes and drinks a bit. i bought some vitamins for his water. can you please help me.

how old is your hamster? hamsters generally live 2-3 years. Does your hamster have any other symptoms such as a wet bottom and a lot of weight loss very fast? More than likely your hamster has a bacterial infection if he has shown these symptoms. If your hamster doesn't show any of these symptoms than your hamster may be fine but is just slowing down because he's getting older if he's more than a year old. If he's still pretty young than I would go with a bacterial infection and the vet would be the best person to take him to since the vet can give him antibiotics.