Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hamster water bottle

hamster water bottle

21 11:33:41

QUESTION: Hello, I have had a hamster for two days now.It finally went to drink water from its water bottle this morning but I am worried it didn't manage to get water out of it.There has been no change in the amount of water in the bottle and I am worried that the ball bearings in the tube stopped it from having any water at all...

ANSWER: Hi Natasha,

hamsters don't really drink much water at all. so this is probably why you haven't noticed it drinking before. Also, because they are nocturnal, your hamster drinks and eats mainly at night, when you are asleep. As for the water bottle, simply check to see if its working by tapping your finger on the ball bearing to feel if any water comes out. if not, go to the pet store and buy a new one :)

thank you for your question.

Joanne x

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi it's me again.. I was just wondering about how many times i should feed the hamster.. i give it the food from the pet shop(contains different nuts etc)in its little bowl every night before i go to sleep because that's when it wakes up. Is it too much though? Some people tell me to give it more and some to give it food every 2 days only..

hi Natasha,

its up to you how often you want to feed your hamster, because whatever you give it, it will store it away either in its nest or a the corner and eat it when its ready. I suggest putting fresh food in the cage every day, only a small amount though, id say half fill the bowl every day, a hamster will not over eat unless you are giving it too many treats, it will eat til its full and store the rest away. you'll notice a lot of food stored away when you go to clean out the cage. You are doing fine with the new hamster as you are, so don't let people worry you :)

Thanks for your question.

Joanne xx