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21 12:00:44

I am seeking fast help regarding my new furry Russian Dwarf hamster. Scruffy is a 5 week old female. I bought her a glass tank (similiar to an aquarium). The bedding I bought her is Carefresh. She has a wheel in the middle of her cage. A little home in the corner. Her food bowl is aligned with her water bottle on the opposite side of the cage. I wanted to know if i set her cage up the right way? Also, I noticed Scruffy sleeps all day, and once in a while i notice her shivering which last for a minute or so. She also digs herself underneath her bedding and sleeps there. I was wondering if I can put her on my bed to play with her and worry about her falling off? I would sincerly APPRECIATE any suggestions and tips on how to take care of my new friend since im a hamster beginner.

Hello, it seems that you have everything for her and everything is just fine. She is just being a normal hammy and sleeping during the day and waking up at night. You can play with her on your bed or the floor is better if you are worried about your hammie falling off the bed. Choobles my dwarf hammy sleeps all day long and is the laziest thing in the world. He won't use his wheel, he just sleeps, eats and drinks. I think he's too fat and too lazy to care about anything else. When I take him out of his cage and place him on the floor he runs about running into anything to inspect it. It's really funny. He also has carefresh bedding and he digs himself a home under it as well. The shivering I wouldn't worry too much about, but I would monitor her to make sure that she's not also cold. If she's shivering and feels cold than she's sick and should see a vet. Trust me you will know when a hamster feels cold. It's a weird thing to feel a small animal cold and at first I didn't think I could tell when a hamster felt warm or cold because of their body size but I noticed. I think you are doing just great and as long as you have a chew treat for her to chew on she should live a happy life. :)