Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hamster has lump

hamster has lump

21 11:49:53

QUESTION: hi, my white hamster I think she's syrian has gotten a lump under right nipple that is kind of baggish when she walks, shes acting generally normal but when I pick her up she smells bad when she wals and theres some fur loss around her right hip top side, she also has some fur gone yellowish around her tail, please can you help me im worried
ANSWER: Hi Sean,

    What type of bedding are you using? Is there any drainage coming from the lump or nipple? Can you tell what color the lump is?
    A female hamster will generally give off an odor and have a white or yellowish discharge coming from her bottom area when she is in season (heat).

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: there is no drainage, bedding is a typical bedding from the pet store

Hello again Sean,

    As long as the bedding you are using is not cedar or pine (cedar and pine bedding are toxic to hamsters and can cause many different health problems), then it is ok. If you are using cedar or pine, get rid of it as soon as possible.
    As for the lump, this could be a tumor, abscess or just a growth. I would suggest having her checked by a vet.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!