Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > THANKS and sorry!!!! :)

THANKS and sorry!!!! :)

21 11:59:12

Hi Joanne!!!! It's me again!!! Sorry that this isn't a question, but my computer woulodn't let me add an answer on my last question so I could say this, so sorry!!!! I feel ALOT more confident about this project!!!! I will take your advice ande do what you said!!! I will most definetly ask you if I have any more questions!!! I will also let you know how the school science fair goes. But, it's not 'till December!!!! :( We have to get forms sighned by the ISEF and other orginizations before we can even start. That's also why I asked you this Q. I wanted to be confident in turning in the forms. Thanks again!!! You rock!!! Anyone who is reading this, Joanne rocks!!!!!!!!!! :)

hi miranda

WOW and THANK YOU for this excellent comment. im so glad i could help you and its a shame the fair isnt until december, i will be looking forward to your next post. and i realy do think your hammy will enjoy this, i mean what hamster wouldnt? shes getting treats! lol. and do not worry about this not being a question, its better than a question, its feedback!! and its always great to hear from the people i help, cos id like to know how they and their hamsters are.

take care of you, and give a bit lettace to your hammy for me.

joanne :) x