Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Eating


21 12:02:06

I hope you can answer a few questions that i have:

1. i have a syrian hamster. he's about a year and a half old now, but still really active. he loves to run around everywhere! sometimes when he gets out if bed his eye is full of 'sleep' i usually get a cotton bud or something soft with water and a clean it gently. is this right?

2. I have also caught him eating his own poo- or looks like he is anyway. why does he do this and is it right?

3. I do love to take him outside sometimes, to get some fresh air. but it has been raining lately and carlos (my hamster) still gets very bored, despite being quite old!
Got any tips?

i hope you can answer my questions! =]


   1. Yes, this is fine, and it is what you should be doing.

   2. Yes, this is normal, hamsters do this to get nutrition that they can't get from the food itself.

   3. Try letting him run around in an enclosed area where you can keep a close eye on him.

Thanks for writing