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gerbil help!

21 11:06:01

I have a male gerbil who is roughly two years old, he recently escaped from his cage and now seems to be suffering adverse health complictions. I've noticed he hides quite often, he takes food and treats into the coconut shell he likes to hide in but seems to not not eat most of them, he can bearly keep his eyes open, he sits in a crouched  position and sometimes closes his eyes or even falls over andhe also appears very bloated. My assumption is that while he was out of his cage he ate something that he should not have. He got out rougly 2 days  ago so perhaps if whatever it may have been was lethahe would be gone by now so im wondering what I vcan do or what os wrong or what to expwct or really anything! Thank you in advance.

Hi Megan

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

It is always a worry if a gerbil/hamster escapes - partly because of the worry that you might not find them, but also in case they do come into contact with something poisonous.

It is hard to know exactly what he came into contact with, but it certainly sounds as though he had ingested something.  The experience might have spooked him and this could be partly to blame for his change in behaviour as some can get very nervous if they get out of their cages.  

In terms of what to do now - it might be worth seeing a vet but without knowing what he has come into contact with may not make it easy for them to diagnose what is wrong.  Whereabouts did he escape?  Are there any chemicals (cleaners, poisons etc, including plants) in the area that he was?  Is there any possibility that you have mice in the house and he has come into contact  with them or their urine?  Are there any tell tale signs in the area where he escaped of things he might have chewed?  Since you've had him back has he drunk any water?  Have you noticed any droppings in his cage?  Does he seem to be digesting food etc?

It might be worth getting some oral rehydration fluids into him.  He might be shocked by his experience and this could help.  If you buy a packet of the type that you take if you have sickness and diarrhoea, and mix a sachet according to the instructions.  With a dropper try and get him to take some of this - perhaps about 2-4ml if you can.  If he drinks it, give him more, otherwise try again a bit later and also put it in his water bottle.  Dehydration can make a gerbil very lethargic, sit hunched etc.  You could also try tempting him with some of his favourite food.  Also you could try some baby food (get some of the powdered variety and mix a little with water - I have found that mine all like the creamy porridge oat variety).  This is easy to digest and has lots of nutrients.  The bloatedness could be constipation and this might suggest that he has eaten something - in which case, constipation can sometimes be dealt with by giving lettuce, or your vet could advise you on this.

If you have a local vet that you know I would be tempted to get them to check him out as they might have some ideas of what might have happened.  If you don't and you want to get him to a vet it is always worth phoning one or two to see if they have anyone there who specialises in small animals, and also check that they will offer a reduced fee for a gerbil - most do.

I'm sorry I can't say for sure what is wrong, but he clearly needs a lot of care and attention right now.  I do hope he is OK and you get on OK.
