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will hamster have diabetes?

21 11:54:39

hi im julia.will hamster have diabetes? sometime i will give them some apples and cheese. how much can they eat? what any other fruits that they can eat? and where can i buy Pedialyte? my hamster is not eating because of his penis is infected after mating with a female hamster. and now the female hamster have gave birth.she has 4 babies. the female hamster gave birth on 3/1/07. can i touch her and her babies? can she meet the male hamster?i have taken the male hamster to see the vet. he dont eat and also dont drink. he is getting skinny day by day. i put a bottle of water there but he doesnt drink before and he needs me to feed him with some fresh water only he drink. already few days he didnt eat. will he die? wat should i give him to eat and drink? please help. thank you.  

Dear Julia,

hamsters can have diabetes. feeding them fruits and veggies high in sugar is not good for them. string beans, small amounts of carrots, peas, and even plain boiled chicken are good treats. Pedialyte can be purchased in your local grocery store, or a target/wal-mart. Don't play with the baby hamsters until they are 3 weeks old. Also, i don't suggest letting the male see the babies, especially if he is sick.
Give the father a food dish filled with water and some bananas or other dry seed mix. He should recover soon.
hope this helps.