Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my hammie now have babies!!

my hammie now have babies!!

21 11:33:47

OMG just found out this morning that my hammie just got her babies!! i didnt expect her to be pregnant at ALL since she didnt grow that big. she has 4 babies. the daddy seems to be sooo weird. i saw him to always have the baby in his mouth and sometimes he seems like trying to eat the baby or munch it. i was so afraid that he will eat the baby so i keep him separate from the mom and the babies. is that a good idea to do so? what are the do's and don't's after the mom delivered the babies? thanks!

Hi Tasha,

if you keep a male and a female together then the female will almost definately be pregnant after a few weeks.

If you do not want them to breed then you should split them up - that is the only way of preventing them from having babies.

What kind of hamsters do you have?  Please let me know as soon as possible so i can give you some advise.

Please also let me know how lonf the father has been away from the rest of them -  as soon as possible please!

