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my hamster again

21 13:29:29

hello kelly,
This is chelsea again. One more thing when i got the hamsters they were in a cage with ike 50 of the same hamsters and  they were not fightng they were sleeping and all the things that hamsters do . and my hamsters are not brown or golden there white and have red eyes. also when suger has the babies  and there not babies any more do i seperate them as well.and when i sepetater tem wokehey get lonley lik when  i had my dawf hsamster i had to get two becouse they would die.

                                                       thank you,  chelsea

Hi Chelsea,

Well, when people refer to Syrian hamsters as "Golden hamsters," that doesn't mean that they are golden in color.  That's just another name for them.  Syrian hamsters come in a variety of colors, including white.  Thus, they should be separated.

The reason the hamsters at the pet store were not fighting is because they were young.  When Syrian hamsters are fairly young, they can be housed together.  However, trust me, they will soon fight violently.  Even in the wild, Syrian hamsters live by themselves.  It's the way Nature intended for them.

When Suger has her babies, you should separate the boys from the girls when they are 3 weeks old (one cage for boys, one cage for girls, and the regular cage for Suger).  Let them stay this way for another 2-3 weeks, then you should separate them all from each other.  Don't worry, they won't get lonely.  Like I said, it's natural for them to be alone.  They would fight violently if they were kept together (unlike dwarf hamsters, which are sociable and should be kept in pairs).

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
