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Sick Hamster! Sad and concerned!

21 11:30:48

I have a Hamster named Lucky and she has always been very active and fun until recently she is lethargic and cannot climb and can hardly move.  I have had her for about a year and did not get her from a store, my husband found her in a vacant apartment he was doing maintenance on and we rescued her, so I don't know how old she really is.  I don't know if she is hibernating, sick or just old and it is her time to go!  I am sad and don't have any idea of what to do for her.  If you have any ideas I would love to hear them.  Thank you.

Hi Anna

Sorry to hear Lucky isn't doing too well right now.

Hamsters live for around 18 months - 2 1/2 years on average, although occasionally you hear of one reaching 3.

Usually as they get older their fur starts to go a bit thin in places and they do slow down a lot.  

Generally speaking, hamsters don't hibernate.  This only happens if the temperature suddenly drops, but in captivity, this doesn't happen that often.

A few questions for you:  is she eating/drinking normally?  Has she got diarrhea or is everything normal?
Have you examined her teeth?  It is worth having a look at these as if they overgrow they struggle to eat and this obviously makes them weak.  Gently scruff her and have a look - the bottom teeth are very long, but should be even and not digging into her top lip or gum.  If they are different lengths then they will need clipping. I can advise you on this if necessary.

Are there any signs of any lumps.  Hamsters are very prone to getting tumors and there is the possibility that she has one and this is affecting her walking.  If there is no obvious sign, gently feel her (abdomen in particular) and see if you can feel anything.

If you can't find anything wrong with her as such, then I would think that this is just old age.  In which case, all you can do is make her comfortable.  Remove any platforms so that her living area is on one level with food and drink close by.  If you suspect she is in pain (sitting hunched up etc.) then she really ought to go to a vet who will be able to give her a proper examination and prescribe pain relief.  However, they may advise euthanasia (just to warn you).

Regarding the fact that she can't move very well - I would think this could be a tumor, perhaps a stroke, or it could just be arthritis.  I had a hamster with arthritis once and you could almost hear her wince when she tried to climb on her platform - she was put on anti-inflammatories which helped her a lot.

If you buy some human baby food - powdered type - creamy porridge oats is a favorite with hamsters.  Mix a little with water and give her a small amount of this (teaspoon) daily along with her usual food.  Hamsters love this, it gives them lots of extra nutrients and helps build their strength.  It is important to give the usual food too so that their teeth don't overgrow.

Good luck with this.  I do hope she is OK.
