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Dwarf Hamster Diet

21 11:07:21

I just got a dwarf hamster, it's the youngest one I've ever had, only about a month old I believe. The pet store I bought it from told me to only feed it carrots. No food, no water, and that if I don't follow the directions that it'll die. But I know that too many carrots can cause her to get diarrhea. right now her poop is very orange.

should I be feeding her some regular food as well? I've never heard of this advice before and I'm a bit suspicious

Dear Lindsay,
thank you for your question.
By all means feed her normal food! I'm used to bad advice being given by pet stores, but what you were told is about the worst piece of nonsense I've come across so far and it's definitely not good for the hamster's health.
Dwarf hamsters should have access to water at all times and should get about a teaspoon of normal food every day (a mix of about 2/3 small seeds like parakeet/canary food and 1/3 grains).
Fresh food should be offered, although many dwarfs won't eat much of it. Fruits are not a good idea, since they are susceptible to diabetes and other disease, but vegetables and leafy greens are definitely okay.
I hope I was of some help to you