Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > BREEDING SYRIAN HAMSTERS!!!!!


21 13:31:51

HI kelly..... ihave a male syrian hamster and a female syrian hamster. i wanted to know how i can tell if she is pregnant,when she might be due,how to handle her when she has babies, what the babies will be like, how to seperate all of the males females the mother and the father..... i am very confused?!!!!!>>>>.... please help me go through breeding with my two hamsters.

Hi Gabby,

    Ok, first of all, syrian hamsters are solitary.  They need to live by themselves.  If kept together, they will fight.  If you already have them in separate cages, great.  If you don't, you need to place the male in another cage.
    Now that we got that out of the way :)  There is a lot of information you need; in fact, it would probably take me an hour to type it all.  All of the questions that you asked are covered on this great website:

This is a very informative website that will answer all of your questions.  If you have any specific questions that are not covered on this website, please feel free to ask.  I do not normally just recommend a website, but like I said before, it is very informative and will greatly help you with your hamsters :)
