Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster Biting-- Black Bear

Hamster Biting-- Black Bear

21 12:00:09

Hey I give my hamster(Zoey) ample things to chew on, but she STILL bites the cage? I have tried everything. Shoudl i put her in another cage. I just got her does that mean she is stressed or something?

Hi Shealey,

Unless you have your hamster in an all-wire cage, you shouldn't have to move her.  (All-wire cages are too drafty.)  You do, however, definitely want to stop her from biting the cage, as this can cause tooth problems.  Continue giving her chew sticks.  You may also want to try giving her a vegetable wheel for hamsters (sold at pet stores and Walmart).  To stop the biting, buy Bitter Lime Spray (or Gel) at a pet store.  It's marketed towards ferrets, but it's safe for all animals.  Spray or rub the bitter lime on any part of the cage she's chewing.  She will taste the bitter lime, and she won't want to chew the cage anymore.  (You may have to repeat this a couple times.)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
