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Dwarf Hamster Breeding

21 13:25:35

I have two Dwarf Campbell hamsters and I was told when I got them that they were both girls. The albino one I think is the boy because he is much bigger then the brown one. I think the brown one is a girl, because I notices a buldge between her tail and legs. I am wondering if she is pregnant? They groom one another also but ever since her stomach has been getting bigger she screams and will go nuts on him when he goes bye her and trys to lay on her. I have also see him trying to mate with her before, unless its just to boys. I am not sure. Thanks for the help if you can help me.

Hi Charles!

Here is a site with side-by-side pictures you can look at to help you determine the gender of your hamsters:

Sometimes, male dwarf hamsters kept in each other's company will jump on each other's backs, wrestle, and sometimes fight in a manner that leads people to believe they must be mating and one must be a girl.  Or it could be that you do, in actuality, have a girl.  Only you will be able to tell for sure, when you look at the pictures and at your hamsters.
