Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Pregnency!


21 11:49:49

        My female teddy hampster just had babies and i know when to seperate the babies and all that but i dont know when i can put the male back in the cage. It is a large cage 3 levels high.
         thank you
ANSWER: Hi Lyndsey,

    I take it your male and female Teddy Bear hamsters lived in the same cage before she got pregnant? If so, this is rare, as Teddy Bear hamsters are a type of Syrian and they generally like to live alone.
    I would suggest waiting for at least 2 months before putting him back in the same cage. This is because the female should have at least a 2 month rest period before giving birth again.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for answering that 1 more question know the female is losing her fur and sweating a lot why is that and can anything be done about it
ANSWER: Hello again Lyndsey,

    Is she losing the fur on her tummy or back? What type of bedding are you using?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: on her back i havent looked at her belly because she is moody and i dont want to touch her but all natural pine bedding

Hi Lyndsey,

    It is important that you get rid of the pine bedding as soon as possible. This type of bedding (and cedar also) are toxic to hamsters and can cause many different health problems and even death. it also causes hair loss.
    It is best to use aspen bedding or something like critter care bedding.
    Changing the bedding will help your hamster a great deal and her hair should grow back.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thanks again for writing!