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Hamster Science Fair Project

21 13:30:10

My science fair question is.... Can food be used as a tool to teach a hamster how to run a maze?

In order for me to have a successful experiment i need to know the answers to theese questions.

What kinds of food do hamsters like the most and which food gives them the most energy?

What sense affects a hamster's ability to find food:  sight, smell or does it matter?

What is the best time to do the experiment?

Are there basic differences between male and female hamsters that would affect its ability to learn? Is either sex more easily taught?


Dear Trevor,
thank you for your question.
You have to experiment a bit with your hamster to find out what food he likes. Try mealworms, curd cheese, peanuts (without the shell) and sunflower seeds. All those foods are very fatty and will supply the hamster with more energy than other foods like cereals. Hamsters find their food by smell and touch, their eyesight is pretty bad and not very important.
The best time to do the experiment is in the evening or late at night, when the hamster is fully awake and active. Both sexes have the same ability to learn, but certain individuals might be smarter than others of course.
I hope I was of some help