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My hamster is acting odd...

21 13:30:10

I bought a hamster from Petsmart two days ago.  She is a long haired teddy bear hamster and is pretty large.  They said she wasn't pregnant... Anyways, she hasn't drank any water since she has been here.    I have a water tube that I've been trying to show her how to use and I put a small bowl of it out.  She doesnt really eat very much either.  When she first got home she ran on her wheel alot.  Now it seems she hardly ever moves.  I've also noticed she has been cleaning and biting herself alot.  What should I do?

Dear T.J.,
thank you for your question.
Some hamsters don't drink much. Offer her vegetables and fruits to supply her with water and keep on offering water in a bottle and a bowl.
The cleaning might be normal, but it might also be a sign of mites. I recommend seeing a vet with her, a vet knowledgeable about rodents would be best. You might find one here
or you phone several vets in your area and ask them to recommend one.
The vet should be able to tell you if she's pregnant, either (I wouldn't believe petshops when they tell you an animal is not pregnant).
I hope I was of some help to you