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My hamster had babies

21 12:01:18

Hi. Im in a crisis. My hamster had babies and they are about four and a half weeks old. She had 13 of them. I have seperated them into different cages now, one for boys one for girls. I am keeping one of the babies which is a female. I am keeping her in the same cage as the mother, but the mom started to chase the baby around and started to viciously attack her. I don't know what to do. I put her in a bin as it was the only thing close to a cage that i had left, and she was walking weird more on her right side and rubbing up against the side of the bin and she seemed to be going crazy. I left her there and watched her for a while, and then thought maybe she had calmed down a bit so i put her back and she did it again. What do I do? I am freaking out.  

Hi Heather,

You'll need to separate the baby from her mother immediately.  I would suggest that you put the baby in with her sisters until she is 6 weeks old, then she'll need her own cage.  For some reason, sometimes mothers just won't get along with their daughters.  Do you have Syrian or Dwarf hamsters?  If you have Syrian hamsters, then the baby female will need her own cage, with no companions.  (The same goes with the rest of the babies.)  If you have Dwarf hamsters, however, the baby female should be kept with one of her sisters, for companionship.  Dwarf hamsters need to be kept in pairs.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
