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Balding Hamster???

21 11:15:59

Hi, I hope you can help me with my hamster problem. I have two robo dwarf hamsters, males, sharing a cage. This morning I was looking at them and I noticed one of them has a bald spot on the top of his head. It's red and covers most of the area between his ears. Do you think this might be from fighting, (they do fight a lot), or is it something else and what should I do? Thanks for any information you can provide!  

Hi Shelby

This could well be from fighting.  The main thing is to keep the area clean so that it doesn't infect.  If it looks sore, and could contain pus, then he will need to see a vet and get some antibiotics.  In the meantime, gently wash the area in salt water.  If it looks as though it is getting worse or there is no improvement in a few days, then it would be worth getting this checked out in case it is something else or medication is needed.

Regarding the fighting - if it is serious then you might need to separate them.  How big is their cage - is there enough room for them both to have their own territory?  Can you put in a few places for them to sleep and a second wheel to try and avoid them fighting.  If this is a fight injury, then the situation could get worse and one could end up seriously hurt - but separating them is always a difficult decision as once they have been separated they can't be put back together again.

Good luck with this.
