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my hamster makes constant squeaking noises

21 12:01:16

about 3 weeks ago i was sitting outside and this hamster crawled into my lap..... i brought her inside we put her in a cage and kept her. I bought her all the right things, such as bedding(cedar),the food, and exercise ball, all the works.
and up untill a week ago we started noticing she was making constant squeaking noises, but only when she was in her cage,  they're somewhere between a sneeze and a squeak, and she always scratches her nose... I'm really worried I've never owned a hamster before so if you could help me it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

The first thing I would do is immediently take out the ceder bedding. She's having an allergic reaction to it. Ceder and pine beddings are not good for any small and furry animals. Ceder and Pine bedding can cause respiratory problems as well liver and lung disease. I would replace teh bedding with aspen, carefresh or soft-sorbent bedding. Also do you have plenty of chew treats as well?? I hope so as they need to chew a lot. Keep me posted