Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > White spot on hamsters lower lip

White spot on hamsters lower lip

21 11:06:04

QUESTION: Hi, I have just noticed a new white spot on my 1 y.o. dwarf hamster. I dont know if it hurts, but he has been eating and behaving normally but this spot is definitely something new. It doesnt seemed like a raised bump, but I will have to take a look closely again. Do you know what this could be?

ANSWER: Hi Mandy

I'm not sure what this white spot is - does it look like it has pus in it?  With tumors/polyomavirus, the lumps tend to be red and raised and don't really have a head on them.  If there is a white head to it, I wonder if he has scratched himself and it has infected, or it is just a normal spot.  It would be worth keeping a close watch on it - you could bathe it with a little warm salt water as this will keep it clean.  If it is a standard spot, then it may well go on its own.  If this is an injury that has infected, it might clear up on its own or it could get worse in that the spot could get larger, swell, etc.  In which case you might need a vet to clean it out for you.  Sometimes hamsters can get abscesses/boils/cysts etc. which need the pus removed by a vet and antibiotics prescribed.

The fact that he doesn't seem bothered by it is good.  If you want to try and get a photo of it to send over I'll see if I can work out what it is.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


It doesnt look like a wound, and its a slightly raised white spot, like a pimple/whitehead. I asked my vet today, she asked to monitor the growth as it might go away.
I have taken some pictures, but they are not the best as he keeps moving alot and I couldnt get a good shot at the 'spot'.

Its on the inner tip of his lower lip.

Hi Mandy

What a gorgeous little chap - he didn't seem too bothered by all the fuss - more interested in eating his food!

It's hard to know what it is, but from past experience it doesn't look like a tumor/polyomavirus as these definitely tend to look either red, raised or wart-like, rather than an actual white head.  It could be that he has scraped himself and an ordinary spot has developed - in which case it should sort itself out.  It is definitely worth monitoring him and seeing if the spot gets bigger, changes appearance etc, in which case your vet may be able to see if they can lance it. But judging by the small size of it now, it may be absolutely nothing to worry about.

I hope it clears on its own.
