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Siberian Dwarf Hamster

21 11:50:10

Hi Shawntiah,
I have a 2 years old Siberian Dwarf Hamster. 2 days ago she was bleeding from her butt. Since than she didn't eat much, and could hardly lift herself to drink. I helped her drinking and feed her. She is week, and don't go on her wheel any more. She is in her bed all day, so I brought the food to her bed.
I was wondering is this is a 'normal' phase before they pass, as she reached 2 years of age. Is there anything I can do? Please help, as Hamtaro is our first pet hamster.

Hello Neta,
Considering your dwarf hamster is very old it does sound like she's "wasting away" which does happen with old age. The bleeding thingcould mean she is having an intestinal problem and if she is still bleeding I would take her to a vet. I don't think there's anything that you can do. You have kept your hamster for a very long time and I think that's really awesome that she's probably living up to her full life expectancy. :) You have done a wonderful job and what you are doing now to help her out is also good. I just want to say that it does sound like she's nearing the end. :( I'm sorry.