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hamsters and dandruff

21 11:55:19

hello, i just got a new black bear hamster and i picked him up to see that he had dandruff all over him. i was wondering if this is a bad thing? and, i am going on vacation to Michigan to a resort and my parents said i could bring my hamster with it a bad thing for hamsters to be in long rides in the car? because the drive to Michigan is 8 hours.....well i think that is about it if you know any of these answers please e-mail me at thank you and have a wonderful new year!

After a while the dandruff should disappear, if not ask a vet to prescribe something, the stuff you buy in pet stores often does not work well.
Are you sure you want to take your hamster with you? Many places will look after him while you are away, or you can ask a friend to look after him..? If that is not possible, buy one of those fairly big plastic containers for travelling rodents, and give him plenty bedding and food on the journey. Also make sure it does not get too hot (or cold).
Wishing you the best of luck, A Happy New Year and a great vacation!
Best wishes,