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Hamster nose rash

21 11:51:48

My 6 month old hamster named cookie has been having a strange nose problem. Every day I go check on him his nose seems to be getting more and more torn up and bloody! After doing a little research i found out it is because i use pine bedding. But too bad the only pet store in town only has pine and cedar!! Please tell me some ways to make homemade bedding to help my poor little hamster!

Hi Anna,

    There is also a bedding called Critter Care. It is an all natural paper type bedding. If you can not find this type neither, you can use shredded papers for bedding, like unscented paper towel, toilet paper, tissue paper or even cotton balls. You will have to clean the cage more often (or at least the corner your hamster uses to pee in.

    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!