Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hamsters cheek sack

hamsters cheek sack

21 11:13:57

Hi,today I found my hamster's cheek sack hanging out of her mouth. She looks so tired trying to put it back in. What will happen if she can't put it back? We tried to put it back, but it's very hard because its very big.

Hi Charissa

I've never come across this before. I've known hamsters to have blocked cheek pouches and needing to empty them, but I have never seen one with their cheek hanging out.   It is very important that this goes back in sooner rather than later as you don't want it drying out.

Can you get her to a vet as soon as possible and see if they can help put it back?  If she is stressed they might want to give her a quick sniff of gas to knock her out so that they can reposition the pouch while she is asleep.  They will also be able to examine her to try and establish why this has happened in the first place.

I hope you get on OK.
