Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > SYRIAN BREEDS


21 11:32:05

hi, i would like to ask if there is any specific rare breeds? is a black and white syrian breed considered rare? only the head and the butt is black.
another colour would be a very light coloured beige, with red eyes
are they considered a rare breed?
secondly, i would like to ask if there is a difference in red and black coloured eyes.
thank you.

Those are both very common color combos, the first is a banded syrian, and the other could be considered a cream or blonde colored syrian. There is no difference between ruby and black eyes besides the color. Coat types and not colors tend to define a rare hamster. Rex coated hamsters, which is a hamster  more common to the UK gene pool, and very uncommon in the US, has rather unruly, curly coat and whiskers. A hamsters coat may look rex, but unless the whiskers are crinkly and curly too, it is not rex. Just do a google search on rex hamsters to see pictures.