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Is my Hamster Dead?

21 11:11:58

Hello. My Hamster is about 3 and a half years old. last night my hamham looked dead. He was not moving, was curled up in a ball and was not responding. Thing is his stomach still moves about twice a minute. His whiskers are not moving, nor is anything else. His eyes are open and he's not blinking if I blow air into them. I would take him to the Vet, but I brought him there last week and I cant afford another vet visit. He's been like this for 12 hours now. What happening? Is he dead? or is he just taking a long time to pass?

Hi Stephanie

It certainly sounds as though he is dying.  Chances are he is unaware of everything around him by now and is probably in a coma.  I'm afraid that sometimes hamsters can take a day or two to die and it is very upsetting.  As you can't get him to to a vet then the best thing is to let him die in a quiet room where he won't be disturbed.  Don't bury him until you are absolutely certain he is dead - you will know when he has died as there will be no movement whatsoever and also after a few hours his body will start to stiffen. Sorry to be so blunt with this.

He has certainly had a very long life for a hamster and this is obviously his time to move on.  I do hope that he passes quickly.
