Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > orphan baby hamsters in immediate help please

orphan baby hamsters in immediate help please

21 11:03:38

I had 12 orphan hamsters born this past Sunday (only 5 days old)Mom died this morning... I have lost three. can you please help me, I have no clue what to do. I got the goats milk and trying to keep them warm, am I doing something wrong? Please, please help - Shari

Hi Shari

I'm really sorry to hear about your hamster.
Trying to hand rear hamsters from such a young age is very difficult and almost Impossible .

I knew someone who managed to save one hamster from a litter of 12 - I ended up keeping him. The important things are feeding regularly and you can get special milk powder from a vet that is for hand rearing orphaned animals and is easier to digest than cow/goats milk.  They need feeding 5 times a day.  The other important thing is keeping them warm as their body temperature drops rapidly when away from mum.

How are you getting on? Are any still alive? The closer you get to 10 days old the better as at that time they can start to eat solids and you can feed them bread, oats, seeds and baby food.

Please let me know how it's going.
