Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > undescended testicles in a syrian hamster

undescended testicles in a syrian hamster

21 11:05:19


I have a male Syrian who is 8 months old whose testicles have never dropped. I know they are present in the abdominal cavity because I can feel them but the sac they should be in has a tight opening and the testicle can not drop into it so they remain inside. I know undescended testicles in humans can result in cancer is this the same in hamsters and should I be concerned.

Regards Ruth

Hi Ruth

Thanks for your question.

I wouldn't worry too much about this.  I honestly don't know if this makes him more prone to testicular cancer or not.  The fact is that some Syrian males have extremely large testicles, others you hardly notice.  

I've only ever had one hamster with testicular cancer - and his testicles were always very prominent.  Therefore I'm not sure if there is the same problem with hamsters.  Hamsters are very prone to getting tumors anyway when they are elderly, i.e. any time from 18 months - 2 years, but these can appear in any part of the body and this one was around that age when the tumor appeared.

As you are concerned, and there might be a problem it would be worth getting a vet to check him out incase they need to intervene.  This would put your mind at rest so that you know he is OK.

I hope this helps.
