Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I have an escapee!!!! HELP!!!!!

I have an escapee!!!! HELP!!!!!

21 11:42:52

My boyfriend discovered this morning that our hamster has escaped from his cage. He had managed to push out a plastic piece on the side. We live in a 2 bedroom apartment and there are so many places he could hide. What can I do to lure him back out and possibly into the cage. So far I've placed the cage with new bedding, water, and food on the floor with the cage door open.

Hi Dee.  I will offer you some suggestions and ways to re-capture your hammie,  I've answered questions similar to this not too long ago so I will be responding in a very similar manner.

First off, what you believe to be welcoming to your hamster could not be taken the same way to the hamster himself.  Fresh bedding will not lure him back, in fact the old bedding would lure him back better.  Since your hamster would be attracted to places that would resemble his scent.  If you have already done away with the old litter then do not worry, there are other ways of cathing the escapee.  I do not suggest you go to bed too early before acting accordingly.  Hamsters can easily squeeze out of a room by the crack under the doors, so he could have very well escaped into the other areas of your home.  It is very important that you follow all these instructions as fast as you can but do NOT panic.

You will need several towels for the first part.  This process is only to locate the hamster, it will be up to you to catch him. Remember that any small animal will get scared if approached fast, so you will also need patience and a light towel or basket to drape over the hamster if you do find him. Never act too fast when trying to catch the hamster or you may traumatise the hamster.

Part 1:
*If you have any other domestic pets, please contain them in a room temporarily where you are 100% certain the hamster is NOT in. This is only for a few hours depending on how fast you complete this part.
*Place a towel under the crack of the door to the room the hamster was in and do a thorough check of the room before concluding that he is missing completely. Repeat this to every room in your house, leaving a towel under each door. Just for security.

The towels will ensure that if a hamster is in a room, it will not escape by squeezing under.

Since the hamsters are nocturnal they will be more active at night. Night time and very early morning are the best times to look for these guys.  In my experience hamsters always head towards areas that contain food, most likely they will end up in your kitchen after a few hours if you do not find him. Hamsters also do not have much fear of falling when they know solid ground is near, so he could have gone downstairs as well.

Part 2, will require a flashlight and absolute silence (or as close to silence as you can get) you will do part 2 at night, or during the late afternoon.

If you are 100% certain the hamsters are not in your other rooms, then I would strongly suggest you start with either the Kitchen or any other area more readily accessible to the hammies that has food.

All the lights in your home must be turned off and your other domestic pets should again be quarantined for this. Have a light towel or net at hand to catch the hammy, remember that if you do find him he may be all hyped up by the freedom of being able to run around that he will not be to willing to come back imediately.

Listen for any sounds of scurrying the hamster might make.  I would check under the kitchen stove or refrigerator.  Likely thing is they would hide under the cabinet work and most cabinetry is all connected and usually there is an open crack near the stove.  Flash your light under the stove and wait patiently.  Hamsters are usually attracted to light at night so they will come to investigate.  

If you have not yet found your hamster then I suggest you make a hamster trap.

Fill a deep bucket with shreddings.
Using a few bricks (or books) make steps to gradually allow the hamster to climb up.
Inside the bucket place an irresistible treat.  (like a few veggies, fruit, or... even a donut) whatever floats the hamsters boat.
Make sure that you rub the food item up the steps you created making a trail ending up INSIDE the bucket.  You may also choose to leave small bits of the food (too small for the hamster to hoard away and leave satisfied)

Leave the bucket near the area you suspect the hamster to be in (like the kitchen)  or if you have yet to find any hamster evidence, just leave the trap anywhere.   

I do believe your hamster would head downstairs,  is is much easier for a hamster to climb down than to climb back up, especially if the kitchen or any food is located downstairs.

I know this will not guarantee you to catch your hamster but these are things which helped me catch mine.  I do wish you luck!