Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > HELP!!!!


21 13:30:13

thanks and thanks for your warnings too.  I have thrown away all the SAM bed fluff. but are the SAM cages ok?  and where should i mate my hasmters? boys cage? girls cage? i have two dwarf hasmters that live on their own and they seem fine.  is it b/c i spend alot of time with them? how do you tell how old your hamster is?thank you

Hi Eileen,

Yes, most of S.A.M's products are fine.  The only product that I know of that is dangerous is the fluff.  

You should mate hamsters in the female's cage.  Place the male in her cage for about 20 minutes at a time, and *only* if she is in heat, which occurs every 4 days.

Dwarf hamsters can be kept alone; it's just not preferable.  However, I've actually had 3 that I've kept alone (not by choice - they were given to me at separate times), and they have done fine, but they died sooner than if they were kept together.  They also didn't have the sweetest disposition.  But, if your hamsters are already adults, they are used to being alone and should be kept that way.

There's actually no way that I know of to tell the age of your hamster.  Most people just count on the previous owner/pet shop to tell them.  If you got them from the pet shop, they were probably between the ages of 6 weeks - 3 months old.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
