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my hamster has a lump

21 11:59:07

i read something that said if a hamster has a lump it has cancer im really worried he is a boy i dont no what kind he is but he is not a dawf he seems fine but plz double check to see what the lump is because i love him and i hope he doesnt have cancer he jumps of of stuff alot and he has been droped but not far down he ecaped out of his cage a couple of times but we found him less in a day and he has been shaking alot can you do reacher and find out what is happening to him plz!!

hi kate.

just cos your hamster has a lump does not mean that it is cancer. it could me a number of things such as an abcess, an injury bump, mites etc. only a vet can tell you what might be wrong, he could also being going into shock, that would explain the shaking. take him to a vets and then leave him in a quiet area of the house for a few days and he should be fine.

good luck and thanks for your question, please ask aagain if you need to. let me know how you get on.

joanne xxx