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Red pouches under robovorskis

21 11:40:53

Hi Karen, i'm really hoping you can answer my questions about my dwark robovorski hamsters. i have 3 of them, i bought them about a month and a half ago.
firstly, i have a problem handling my hamsters i.e. i cannot really grab them and take them out. they are VERY adverse to human touch and get really scared, so i have no way of checking their sex. i was told all were females but now i have doubts, is there any easier way to tell males from females?
secondly, about a week ago, the hamsters seemed to have developed red pouch-like things near the genital area. at first i thought they were pregnant (if any are males, that is), then i thought it was an infection. i keep the cage clean, and they don't seem lethargic or less energetic, which i'm guessing are symptons of infections? the red pouches seem to have gone down now, but is it normal? is it just females being in heat?
lastly, of the 3 hamsters, 2 are larger and one is really quite tiny. the larger ones seem to like to bite the smaller one's legs and genital area, and sometimes like to step/climb on its back. is that normal?

Hi Dorcas,

    The only sure way to tell if they are male or female is to pick them up. Males will have 2 holes that are far apart ( .  . ) and will also have 2 lumps, one on each side of the bottom hole (may be hard to see in younger male hamsters). Females will have 2 holes close together
( .. ), may sometimes appear as only 1 hole.
    From what you have said, I would have to say that the ones with these red pouches are males. It is normal for the testicles to get larger (this happens when they are warmer than usual) and then get small again (after cooling off).
    Males also tend to be a bit bigger than females. I'm guessing that you may have 2 males and one female. If the biting and stepping/climbing on the smaller one happens all the time, then I would suggest putting that one in a different cage. If it only happens once in awhile, it is possible that the female is in heat and the males are trying to mate with her (males will generally act like this when they are trying to mate).
     Holding the hamster to see what it is can be done 2 ways, cupping it in your hand and turning it over or by gently turning it over by the nape of its neck. Either way, be sure it's secure so that it doesn't kick around (I know this can be a challenge, but it's really the only way to tell).
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thanks again for writing and best of luck!