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hamster broken leg

21 11:57:23

what should i do if my hamster has a broken left back leg.

Hi Josh,

First, examine the leg.  If you can see the bone poking through the skin, your hamster will need to go to the vet, as infection is possible.  (The vet would most likely prescribe antibiotics.)  If you do not see the bone poking through, then your hamster doesn't need to go to the vet, since it's not possible to "set" a hamster's broken leg.  There are a few things you should do:

1. Your hamster should exercise as little as possible while the bone heals.  So, you'll need to take the wheel out of the cage.  And if you normally let him run in a run-around ball, you won't be able to while the bone is healing.

2. Feed your hamster small amounts of either a piece of bread soaked in milk, or a dog biscuit.  Both of these foods are high in calcium, which will help the bone to heal.

Your hamster's broken leg should heal in a week or two.  Though he may be left with a slight limp, this is nothing to worry about.

Often, a hamster will break his leg as a result from a fall, or he may get his leg caught in his wheel.  To prevent a fall, sit close to the ground when you're playing with him.  If he gets nervous and jumps, he won't have far to fall.  And, make sure that your hamster's wheel is solid, with no rungs.  A hamster's leg can easily get caught in between the rungs.  So if you have a wheel with rungs, get a solid wheel instead.

Like I said, your hamster should be fine in a week or two :)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
