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do gerbils remember each other

21 11:11:46

we recently purchased a gerbil and after being told that they should be in pairs we are thinking about getting the other gerbil that it was with in the pet store. after about a week will they remember each other and will they get along?

Hi Kerry

I meant to give you a link to a really good site on gerbils that gives some very good advice about introducing gerbils:  it might be worth having a read of this.


Hi Kerry

Gerbil's memories aren't great - if you separate out gerbils for medical reasons and want to reintroduce them then 5 days is pretty much the guaranteed period of time that can elapse. However, you can sometimes successfully introduce two gerbils.

The main thing to consider is firstly, are they definitely the same sex?  You don't want to find that they have been incorrectly sexed and you end up with more than you bargained for.  Also, if you decide to go ahead with this then you should be prepared for it not to work and you could end up with two cages/tanks.

If you decide to give it a try then the best thing is to put them in separate cages and each day for about 3 days swap them over.  This way they get to smell each other's scent.  After 3 days you can try them together.  Ideally you should clean out the cage first so that neither scent is dominant.  Watch them carefully to make sure they don't fight.  If they start shredding and sleeping together then they should be OK.  If they keep chasing each other or fighting then you may well have to separate them.  Sometimes there is a bit of a power struggle but if it looks like serious fighting separate them.

I have kept several single gerbils and they have been fine, so if you decide not to get the other one or if this doesn't work out don't worry too much.  Ideally it is nice for them to be in pairs/groups for company as they are sociable creatures but it is better for them to be on their own than being together and one being bullied etc.

I hope you get on OK.
