Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > when can i remove my pups

when can i remove my pups

21 11:38:16

hi karen!

i have talked with you several times before about my hampster pups. they are now 16 days old and all over the place! the mom is practically jumpin into my hand to get out of the cage everytime i open the cage and when i try to return her to the cage she tries her best not to go back in . I was wondering if she could be ready to be seperated from the pups (they are eating really well)?
i dont wanna seperate o early but she seems so tired.
thanks alot, amanda

Hi Amanda,

    When the pups are 3 weeks old. This is when they need to be separated from Mom and each other (boys in one cage, girls in another). This happens when the pups get older, Mom wants out and it is fine to take her out of the cage now and let her run in a ball (if you have one) for a half hour or so, then return her to the cage. Once they are separated, the Mom and the pups may seem depressed, but it should go away within the first few days.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing!