Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Is it lonely?

Is it lonely?

21 11:38:12

Hello. I have one hamster and i dont play with it or anything like that as much as i should. It has a horrible cage that makes noises so loud at night! And i usually take the wheel out becasue that is the main problem of the noise. Also it chews on the cage bars, and that is really loud too! Is there anything i can do about the chewing on the cage? and i dont have enough money for a new cage. But i do have a ball for it to run in. Does it HAVE to have a wheel? or is a ball ok?
Please answer ASAP. I need to know if it is stressed and doesnt feel loved.

Thank you.

Hi Katherine

It sounds as though your hamster is very bored.  They need large cages so that they can exercise.  A wheel is important as in the wild they would run up to 5 miles a night, therefore in captivity they need to burn this energy.  Whilst it isn't essential (I have a three legged hamster who can't have a wheel), they need something to exercise on.  You could put lots of climbing frames in the cage that attach to the roof.  I don't know where you are writing from: In the Uk you can buy 'silent spinners' which are wheels that don't make much noise. You might be able to buy one mail order over the internet. They are more expensive than normal wheels but definitely worth the money.

Also, in the UK we have charity shops and boot sales whereby you can often pick up a cheap cage that someone doesn't want.  I don't if you have these where you live.  If not, have a look in your local newspaper and vet surgery and see if anyone is advertising a cage for sale.  Vets sometimes have old cages when they have had to put a hamster to sleep and the owner doesn't want the cage back.  If you get another cage, make sure it is large, with bars, rather than plastic tubes.

A ball is OK for it, but you need to let it run in it every evening for 1/2 hour or so to get exercise.  Lack of exercise can cause health problems for hamsters.  Can you try handling it a bit more?  Once tame they are great little pets and love coming out for a sniff around, therefore it would be good for you to bond with it more.

Hope this helps answer your question
