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My very fat hamster

21 11:33:58

Hello, I have a black and white Syrian hamster. He is over 2 years old now. He does not come out very much and does not really go on his wheel any more. He has got really really FAT over the last few months. He does not seem to be sick in any other way, he is eating and drinking normally. His belly and bum are huge, I thought it could be a tumor or something bad but it is very smooth and even on either side, nothing is sticking out anywhere. Do you think he is ill or is just fat?

Hi Elizabeth,

your hamster could be ill and i suggest taking him to vets just to be on the safe side.

He could just be obese, especially since he hasnt been exercising very much lately.

If it does turn out to be that he is just fat then you need to get him out more often and maybe get him a run ball so he has no choice but to exercise.

It is very dangerous for a hamster to be over weight and if isnt ill, he will be very soon if you dont get his weight down.

Kind Regards,
