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Gerbil Jaws!!! :(

21 13:31:38

I have 7 gerbils a mom and dad and 5 pups.But there now about 3 months old and were weaned early at the age of 1 month and I read they wean at the age of 2 months!!So I hand raised them So they are atached to me,their mom had to undergo
a $200.00 surgery at the age of about 8 months.
Including the parents I have 5 males and 2 females.I had to seperate the male pups because
they are now trying to mate,and I didn't want the female to be lonly so I put her back with her parents who are normally very sweet to her but today they attaced her.They were extreamly violent to her by throughing her from the top level witch is about 5 levels up!!!!!!!!They caused some bleeding on her back leg.And did other
things to her I tried to grab her but the parents bit me I did get her withen 10 min.Shes seems ok
right now.Do u think the mom may be prenate?Or is there somthing else?Please email me soon.Oh yeh I
am 11 years old so try not to use to big of words becase I can read them but I do not understand big words adults use!

                                 -Caitlin H.
(p.s. do u think she'll be okay?)

Gerbils forget one another's smell quickly so trying to introduce gerbils who've been separated doesn't work well usually. Yes the boys if old enough will try to breed with her.

Gerbils are very hardy animals and usually heal well from injuries so she'll probably be ok. If you are really worried take her to the vet.
