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i have a problem

21 11:33:51

have you ever had a problem with getting a hamster/mouse to drink from their water bottle? i have been having alot of trouble getting mine to drink anything! and same with food they dont like any fruit only hamster feed.... do you know of anything that would maybe help me....

Hamsters a desert animals, so they do not need to drink as much as you expect them to. All hamsters are able to seek out water from their instincts of living in a dry climate. The problem may be your bottle instead. I had a water bottle once that had a very constricted flow, the ball bearing had little room to roll, which is bad for flow. You want a bottle where the ball has free rolling in the entire spout. Tap the ball to see if it will give you a drip. If your finger remains dry after one quick tap, it does not give off enough water. If you have ever seen your hamster drink, if you notice a bubble rise through the water, your hamster is drinking just fine. Since your hamster will be able to find water, please check your bottle to make sure that is not the problem.

As for food, I can't say, my hamsters have always gobbled up any fresh foods I give them except for a few hamsters who would not eat certain fresh foods, one didn't like cucumber, and one didn't like tomatoes. If your hamster refuses ALL fresh foods, it could be the scent on your hand they do not like, you may have a very strong scent that humans wouldn't ever notice, but hamsters do. Try rubbing your hands in your hamsters litter to give your hands a comforting familiar scent.