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Getting a hamster soon need advice

21 13:30:47

Hello, I have decided to get another hamster... its been years since I'd had one so I need some help with a few things.....

How old should he be when I get him and how long will it take to tame him? how long should I wait after I get him to hold him?

I have a standard hamster cage.. the same as the ones that come in those starter kits, will this work for a syrian hamster? what else besides a cage and food do I need?

I think I'll feed hartz brand food will this be ok? please get back to me as soon as possible, thanks.

Hello, I am really sorry that this is so late but a couple months ago my computer crashed and I have not been able to access my email until now.
The hamsters at most pet stores are young and at a good age for purchase.  The time it will take to tame it just depends on the hamster, each one is a little bit different.  In my experience, male hamsters are easier to tame than females.
The first day you bring your hamster home you should put your hamster in its new cage and cover the cage with an old towel.  For that first day or two keep the cage covered and make sure the room stays quiet to let the hamster adjust. After the first couple days you can uncover the cage.
Then, you can start to tame it by holding a treat(try a slice of apple) between your thumb and forefinger.  Then gently and slowly put your hand in the cage and let the hamster sniff the apple slice.  When the hamster starts to nibble on it, don't let go right away.  That gives the hamster time to get used to the smell of your hand.
After you've done that a few times, you can slowly and carefully pick up your hamster.  Do this sometime in the late afternoon or mid evening, thats when your hamster will be most active.
The best type of cage is the wire type.  These allow for good circulation.  Buy a medium sized cage, make sure it isn't too small.
The things you will need are a cage, food,bedding, toys, water bottle, and your should get an exercise wheel.  Those are great for your hamster to get the exercise it needs all night long.
Any brand of food from a pet store is probably good as long as it is labeled as a hamster food.
I hope this helps and again i'm really sorry about the long delay.  Feel free to ask me any more questions you have and I'll get back to you right away next time.  Good Luck!