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my hamster is bleeding help!

21 11:15:47

if my hamster has had orenge and starts bleeding and has a intestine hanging out of her what should i ddo (except take her to the vet)

Hi Hannah

I'm afraid the only thing is to take her to a vet!

It could be a prolapse, in which case the vet can operate and sometimes they can push back the intestines and put a stitch to hold them in.  If it is a condition called intussusception, this is where the intestine doubles back on itself, then I am afraid your vet might not be able to do anything and they would probably advise euthanasia.  With prolapses/intussusception it is extremely painful and the hamster can deteriorate quite rapidly, therefore urgent veterinary advice is needed to see if there is any way the situation can be reversed.

Why don't you want to take her to the vet?  If it is to do with cost, then most vets have a fixed charge for consultation and it might be possible to negotiate on this beforehand if you phone them and explain the situation.  I don't know whereabouts you live, but is there an animal hospital (charity) that you could get her to?  They might agree a 'donation' rather than a fixed fee.

Sorry I can't suggest anything you, personally, can do in this instance as this is definitely a condition that needs to be seen by a vet.

I hope you get on OK.
