Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > 2 Roborovski male hamsters

2 Roborovski male hamsters

21 11:51:09

I have 2 Roborovski male hamsters from the same liter. I have had them for
about 3 weeks now.  They are quite young but becomming adult ones.  They
got on well and all of a sudden one of them is picking on the other one.  They
sleep together during the day, but at night time it becomes a nightmare. One
of them keeps attacking the other one when he goes near the wheel or has
food in his mouth.  This happends all the time.  Im scared as i dont really
want to separate them as they say it is cruel to have one on there own.  But
im afraid the other one will get hurt.  Your answer to this would be most

Hi Tara,

    You might want to try putting some kind of divider (like a type of netting) in the cage (if it is big enough), that way they can still see and smell each other and see how that goes. Yes they say it is cruel too have only 1 dwarf hamster, But I feel that it is even more cruel to leave 2 hamsters together that fight. Like you said one could get hurt or even worse.
     If the divider doesn't help, then I think it would be best to separate them.

Thank you for writing!